Our behavior-based approach to finding
and fostering commercial relevance

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Founded in 2020, we are a healthcare fund spun out of Purohit Navigation, a full-
service research and strategy firm with 35+ years of behavior-based healthcare
commercialization experience.
Leveraging this tenured expertise, we focus on
commercial relevance, not just commercial potential.

Our behavior-based approach to finding and fostering commercial relevance

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Founded in 2020, we are a healthcare fund spun out of Purohit Navigation, a full-service research and strategy firm with 35+ years of behavior-based healthcare commercialization experience. Leveraging this tenured expertise, we focus on commercial relevance, not just commercial potential.


Behavioral dynamics, individual and
institutional, are critical to success

We use our experience and resources to assess and drive market relevance
in early clinical planning, which can help our investments exceed on-paper
potential and demonstrate in-market behavioral uptake.


Partnership-based investment model

Our investment algorithm seeks opportunities where we can provide direct investment,
and leverage our suite of services to drive our portfolio companies’ success.